"Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start"
-Controller input sequence to start the NES game 'Contra' with 30 lives
-Controller input sequence to start the NES game 'Contra' with 30 lives
I don't play video games much anymore. But I'll be god-damned if I didn't just play the HELL out of the Nintendo Entertainment System when I was little. Displays of nostalgia for the NES are very much in vogue now, and more than a little played out, which is understandable I guess: the NES is a halcyon trademark of our generation. These tributes can range from insufferable impromptu (young men at a party who do not know each other scatting the theme music from Super Mario Brothers in heinous chorus and not stopping after one round, but rather segueing into the underworld theme, only to abandon the group-sing awkwardly when they realize that their enterprise is untenable), to oddly touching disclosure (steak-and-potatoes, salt-of-the-earth, Red-State men freely admitting to paradigm-shaking crises of gender and power upon realizing that the bounty hunter from Metroid was... a Lady). But February 2006 marked the 20-year anniversary of the release of the Nintendo in the U.S., and seeing this news gets one to thinking about one’s relationship to this dated, beloved game machine and its games…
Play Action Football – Objective judging standards, common sense, and the liberal Vintage Video Game Review Media will tell you that this game featured an “unusual isometric, top-down diagonal perspective”, with “8 teams to choose from”, and that the game had an “NFLPA (Players Association) license but not an NFL license”. They will also tell you “This game is decent, but limited, especially when compared to Tecmo Super Bowl.” Unfortunately, this is all horseshit liberal spin. Fortunately, you are in a no-spin zone. The only thing you need to know about this game is this: Counter Option. You just hand the rock off to your fullback, have a buddy seal a lane with a sweet block, maybe give a little shimmy-shake when you hit the hole, kick it out towards a sideline, and take that baby all the way to Chinatown. Game-maker, knee-breaker.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Aside from being a truly fantastic game, it gave me some of my first glimpses into Older Boy Culture. OBC comprised the slang, habits, modes of interaction, and general lifestyle of my friend Chris McChesney’s older brother (also named Kevin) and his friend, about 3 or 4 years our senior. The four of us would spend long nights in the McChesney’s basement plowing through this game. Kevin and his friend would make adolescent jokes that were in retrospect not funny at all (their standby was calling Luigi “Loogy”, which absolutely killed them and which I am absolutely ashamed to have laughed at) and add real-world spice to their gameplay with brief and savage beatings of Chris and me, who honestly didn’t mind the tradeoff. It was just that fun to watch.
Legend of Zelda – Well this is the Big One for me. Inspired and eternal music, hateful beasties, generous cave-dwelling hermits, just straight explorin’, that shit-head Gannon… it all brings a tear to my eye. The friendship between my aforementioned oldest and dearest pal Chris McChesney and me was predicated, when we first met each other at ages 6 and 5, on two things: Cherry Kool-Aid and Zelda. I would sit and watch him, his brother Kevin, and his dad play this game in ways I never knew games could be played. They had in-game conferences for strategy during tight spots, specific roles to fulfill during the playing, colorful scale maps drawn by hand on graph paper—graph paper! It was fantastic. At some point Chris and I started playing together, and since then have beaten together nearly every single Zelda game that Nintendo has put out. So special.
Bubble Bobble - That theme song... those dinosaurs… their Bubbles, Bobbling all over the place... What was without a doubt one of the fruitiest concepts in all of Gaming somehow translated into an absolutely killer and addictive application. There is a theory currently

Guerilla War – Fernando Castro and Chachi Guevara stand on a beach loading unlimited bullets